Theme 6/Grade 5/Week 1/Day 1
Plan for the day Grade: 5 Day 1 Theme: Endings Week- 1 1.Mind Mathematical Skills Development I will be able to Solve addition and subtraction sums. Write the numbers in standard form. Materials required phone/laptop/computer/notebook Activity: Worksheet: Complete the given worksheet: 1. Write the missing number: (i) 406 + ___ = 104 + 406 (ii) 1234 = 0 + ___ (iii) (25 + 28) + 105 = 25 + (28 + ___) Add the following: (i) 318 + 682 = ____ (ii) 3142 + 2314 = ____ Write each number in standard form: 1. Five thousand, four hundred ninety - six ...